Wednesday, March 11, 2015

20 Creative Ways to Woo Your Muse, and Find Some Inspiration!

I've been asked many times what I do when I am up against a block or feeling a little uninspired. I wrote this for those folks that ask, and for myself to look at when once again I have to fill the well. Enjoy~

1.  Take an online mini-course on inspiration!
The DailyOM Inspirational Courses

2. Watch Neil Gaiman's famous and VERY inspiring commencement speech

3. Just Breath.
Just Breath
Album: Genetic world

4. Take on your creative procrastination.
Overcome Procrastination: Steven Pressfield’s Top 12 Tips


6. Stake your inspiration’s claim. The Creative Manifesto from the Rebelle Society.

7. Do a Google image search for Painted Doors…. Walk through one… What would you find?

8. Do a Google image search on anything!

9. Take some time to look at some great art!

10. Have a cup of tea, or if you’re like me some coffee...

11. Reach out for the sublime:

#16 O Magnum Mysterium
by Morten Lauridsen
King's College Cambridge 2009

12. Then Rock and Roll into your work!
Start Me Up
The Rolling Stones :
Album: Tattoo You

13. Look at bright colors and beautiful handmade things!! FOLT BOLT

14. Find our purpose and do what you love.
How to Find Your Purpose and Do What You Love by Maria Popova

15. Look to the trends: Pantone Spring 2015 Trends

16. Then break the rules! 18 Things Highly Creative People Do Differently  

17. Explore what other’s think. Ted Talks on creativity

18. Take a few minutes to browse some good quotes on creativity!

19. Really exercise your brain!

20. Close your eyes and smell the roses... or oranges, or eucalyptus... or...

Author: Sandra Walton, Painted By Hand

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